on top- down and bottom-up perspectives
welcome to Top-down vs Bottom-up: perspectives on changes in business. My understanding of management organisational changes that can make all organisational development more transparent.This process of management of changes in organisation has two perspectives that can eather help business in the long run or in the short run. Thus it is important to differentiate between Top-down vs Bottom-up perspective. A basic starting point is possible to determine for the way in which changes in operations are planned and implemented, and whether involved actors are given some room for influence. Initiating structure signals in the following manner: If changes and improvements are implemented in practice of organisation via "Bottom-up", then the control is based on the applicants' actions. Also, making all your interaction as a manager to employees super-cool, personalized and grant more experience on the professional level to keep individualised approach. You can hyper-target employees with your message, instructions and conversations so you get way more effective deals, likes, shared ideas, and of course, achieved projec ts!
If changes and improvements are implemented in practice of organisation via "Top- down", then the management is based on the decision-makers' intentions. Top-down management methods are designed by more specialized civil servants who are administrative specialists. Decisions are made by one decision maker. It happens in a short time and is carried out shortly thereafter for an implementation into praxis. Usually used to achieve the higher goal of political decisions. With more space for goal control, space for professionals' activities decreases. Therefore, self-evaluations are needed. In "Bottom-up" it has been shown to be way more engaging from all levels, while doubling conversation rates as well as achieving goals in more efficient ways for the organisation. Talk about the possibilities!
Speaking of which, there are countless different ways you can improve your organisation.
A leader should not forget to have broad consensus among subordinates, because it creates a clearer framework and provides space for the adoptation of the environment and climate. Bottom-up changes are discussed before they are implemented.
Using Bottom-up : perspective on changes in business, for management organisational changes, can make all your development more transparent.
For instance, You could ask your team a series of questions
1. Are we doing self-evaluations that are needed to support semantic dimension, democratic dialogue, critical examination of one's own practice that creates a basis for knowledge that grows from within. Shared leadership arises, the burden on staff is reduced, there is room to make small mistakes from which lessons can be learned.
2. Leadership of an organisation must evaluate what competence is required for a better business and provide a needed support in these areas of work. All employees have to have the opportunity to learn from each other, appreciate each other's contributions and different ways of thinking contribute to more options for adapting operations.
3. Do we grow together?
4. Are we making our organization or the business into a better one and more successful?
Or, You could create interactive space where everyone on your team could tutor each other, kinda like this one. Allowing viewers to choose whether to watch and learn about specific features.
The second way to experience success is that you never have to worry of organisations falling into crisis if there are lay-offs. If you have to lay-off do it with administrative level, the bottom personnel can always have an upgrade in administrative training. This way you make less damage on yourself and lay-offs.
This way allowing teams to choose what happens to them and what they want to learn, of course you as a leader have to make time for it in the organisation and have a leading roll in this in the process. This would inspire everyone to change towards new things.
Keeps everyone open minded and creative, this is also great for training and education. You can teach a subject, then ask a question to see if viewers understand it. If they get it right, they continue learning. If they get it wrong, you can reteach the concept in a different way.
As you can see, knowledge is power. We choose our own funnels that make a boring daily routine into a fun life long learning experience … allowing us to customize, engage, teach, and like what we do.
Communication here is important. Communication is a relationship. Relationships grow and change through communication. It is important for an organisation to keep communication flowing from leadership to employees and from employees to the leadership/ employer. The relationship that forms defines dedication of the employees to the employer's organisation and its success.
But, as exciting as all that is, it’s just the tip of the iceberg of what I want to you learn. So now about Top-down: is a perspective on managing organisational changes.
How to sync and match people into teams? You could even do next steps: Greeting each other, creating routines, doing your job, helping each other, working in small teams towards the main goal are also parts of incredibly powerful leadership signals. Creates a conversation tool to solve everyday problems through its simple ritual. These simple tasks optimize the viewing experience for a leader, so one can understand the control rates, engagement, interactions, and conversions through which leader benefits in creating subcultures where everyone is assigned a team and is considered a valuable member of the whole. Another cool thing you can do is that in matching employees to teams you could also help to create a structure that supports the flow of the daily events. Choose members of the team that would have a role of keeping a check on the big picture. For the future it will nurture the leadership situation when everyone knows their place in the organisation chain. This structure fully hosts your changes and transparency in organisation on its super-secure self sustainable efficiency. Because its reliable management was built to meet the tough demands of streaming regulations from "top-down", those management points if in sync are well-equipped to handle "traffic spikes". It helps to create desirable work environments and save challenges for those who want to do something extra and learn more. And, if you want to check out something different but work related, you can do that too. With a desirable work environment, you’ll get access to a lot of valuable analytical material that’ll help you create even better strategies to handle problems on a daily basis. To help each other means also to help yourself, it is more effective this way as you can see. Use each other' insights to determine what ideas and praxis are having the greatest impact, so you can promote them more heavily.If you help the other person perform the task, they will learn from you, but you will also learn to understand the subject better and you can also share pros and cons with others, making the procedure more efficient and less time consuming. Together to the stars through difficulties. As a leader you need to create comprehensive view of your team and other co-workers so you can focus your view at trends in interactions. To work together, to communicate with each other means to grow together. To learn to be human, less judgmental and more success focused. As you can see, Bottom-up is a more open and transparent way of making changes in your business as well as leading it. So, if you’re ready to make your organisation exponentially more effective, in the times of changes with a Bottom-up perspective you can do it.