I always wanted to learn to meditate. =)
Thank you, Dandapani.
Det här är en milstolpe som jag aldrig trodde jag skulle nå, men ibland så gnetar man sig fram till
Precis som jag hade förutsett så fortsatte min CSN-skuld som betalas tillbaka per kvartal att stiga åren innan och efter examen. Efter...
Monoculture is not an option
In mass production they feed farm animals with antibiotics mixed into their food that then end up in the meat we are buying and eat. The...
Parental attitudes towards their child(ren)
Parent’s control: In the two- dimensional framework of parent’s socialization the dimensions of responsiveness and demandingness were...
Look on the facts from above.
Discere faciendo.
What realy makes you happy?
qui domum intraverit nos potius miretur quam supellectilem nostram. Magnus ille est qui fictilibus sic utitur quemadmodum argento, nec...